Vive Peru is working together with Healing the Children Rocky Mountains to put on a surgical campaign for children with cleft lip or cleft palate. The campaign will be held the week of November 5, 2017 at the Hospital 2 de Mayo in Lima, Peru.
Please call our office for more information at 044 610253 or 963825632/ 949487358/ 949453966. Inscriptions are open through October 27, but patients are received on a first come, first serve basis.
To sign up, please email us at healing@viveperu.org:
- Fotos del niño del area a operarse.
- DNI del menor Y DNI de madre o padre o apoderado legal
- Teléfono de contacto
- Lugar de procedencia
Healing the Children Rocky Mountains http://www.htcrm.org
Vive Peru https://www.viveperu.org